Friday, July 27, 2007


I think that I have completely underestimated the amount of stuff that needs to get done before the big move! If only I was just moving my self and my own stuff and didn't have to think about the equipment that needs to be moved or purchased, the supplies to be purchased and the transportation of frozen samples. However, if we didn't think about all of that, it would greatly increase the downtime on the other end. So if a few hectic weeks here result in a semi-smooth, fast set-up there... then I guess it's worth it. My to-do list for the weekend is frighteningly long, though. My goal is to get all of my personal move stuff (cleaning out, selling, giving away, etc) taken care of by the end of July so that I have all of August to work really hard during the day and play really hard at night. Fingers crossed that this weekend is productive!

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