Monday, September 3, 2007

Home sweet home.

I know you've all been waiting anxiously on pins and needles for me to post pictures of my new place.... and here they are!

I'm on the top floor of my building, and our living room windows are at the corner of the building. Speaking of the living room, here it is:

The living room flows into the kitchen/dining area:

I finally put away some stuff in my room today. It still doesn't feel like "home" since most of my stuff is still three days away on the moving truck, but it's starting to feel more comfortable with some stuff put away.

The bathroom also seems more home-y after putting down the bathmats (which hopefully my roommate will like...)

Finally, I realized that nothing makes me feel more like the place is mine than putting up my magnets on the fridge. I seem to have taken it over, so I might need to move some things around after the roommate moves in on Friday.

Overall, I really am enjoying the new apartment (did I mention that I get free long-distance?). I can already tell that it's going to be a great year.

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