I've decided that Saturday was the official "Day 1" of the move. That's when Dad showed up to help (thanks!), as well as when the rubber met the road. I had done a pretty good job cleaning out most everything a while ago, but there were definitely still parts of my apartment that required more cleaning out. Which I took care of while sending Dad out on various errands like taking clothes to Salvation Army, taking boxes of books/things that I don't need in California to the post office to be mailed back home, picking up another whole box of garbage sacks at the grocery store, dropping off books to be donated at the library, getting coffee, etc. He likes being useful, and I had a ton of stuff with which he could help! I also sold my bike (I'm going to buy a new one out there), and gave away my long-favorite, well-loved recliner to a couple who's expecting their first baby in 3 weeks. And cleaned. And organized. And cleaned. And organized. All in all, Saturday was very productive. I seriously don't know what I would've done if the electricity had still been out, and I'm glad I didn't have to find out. The funniest part definitely was the look on Dad's face when he first saw the state of my apartment. He apparently had forgotten that the movers were going to PACK my stuff as well as move it -- he thought I'd done nothing! I think he was a little scared; it was funny. He also took a picture of himself on the train ride up here from the airport, which I'll leave you with for now. More to come later about the move, but probably not until Tuesday night when we're on the road.
Dad, the ever-experienced rider, waiting at a stop:
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