Thursday, October 4, 2007

When will I learn?

Living in a new place means figuring out all the little things.

Like what level (low/medium/high) to put the fan on at night. I don't have A/C, so all of my cooling comes from outside. Interestingly, there's also less humidity here than there was in the Big City, and I've learned that if my fan is on too high, I wake up completely dry, with a sore, scratchy throat. Thus I've been playing around with my fan levels to see if I can find the level that gives me good noise (there's also a picnic area right outside my open window where people tend to congregate) but that doesn't dry me out.

I realized last week that the "low" setting of the fan was perfect. The outside noise was drowned out, and I then wake up refreshed but not dry.

However, ever since realizing this, I continue to accidentally put my fan on "high" about every third or fourth night. Like last night. And then I wake up dry and with a scratchy, painful throat. I know it'll go away during the day... but still, when will I learn?

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