Thursday, October 4, 2007


Alright... I'm back.

Believe it or not, I did manage to get all of the boxes from the previous post completely unpacked and put away by the end of the day on that Sunday. It was no small feat, and I took these "victory" pictures once I was done. Imagine that you're standing in the middle of living room and rotating counter-clockwise.... and this is what you'd see:

Look at my comfy chair and how well my pillows match the provided couch:

I also managed to find a temporary home for my window:

Our kitchen doesn't have nearly enough cabinets, so I had to be creative about dish storage:

And look! This is the same kitchen as before, believe it or not:

I also got my bedroom completely unpacked:

It feels a little bit ridiculous that I brought my big dresser with me, but I managed to fit it into my room...

And that concludes your final tour of Jennifer's Brand New, Teeny-Tiny apartment. I hope that you enjoyed your visit and that you are amazed at my incredible, rapid, mad unpacking skillz.


Just kidding!

Overall, I'm just really, really happy that everything managed to fit into the place. There's still some creative organizing that needs to be done to figure out how to make the most of every single spare square inch we have, but we're working on it. Oh, and I still have one last box of random stuff from my hall closet in the Big City that I still need to unpack. Maybe this weekend?

Happy Thursday to all.

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