Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Where did all the blog posts go?

In case you didn't notice, a lot of my blog posts are currently missing. In anticipation of Big (shhh! SECRET) Things that are happening in the next few months, I'm doing some fall cleaning. Don't worry, I'll be back within a few weeks.

And yes, I did survive yesterday's earthquake! It actually was kind of fun.


Anonymous said...

You are earthquaking US. What does "Big Things" mean? Please shed some light for the peons in the east.

Raine said...

...and the peons in the southwest....

Raine said...

Matthew says that Texas does not fit in to geogphical descriptors (e.g. south, east, southeast, southwest) and that saying I was a peon in the southwest is inaccurate. From this point on, conside me a north-Mexican peon.