Well, this whole "100 things about me" blog-version of an email forward (MLR I agree with you about that) has been floating around for a while. Since I've enjoyed reading everyone else's, I decided to join in if I could get to 100. I did. Here's the list, for your enjoyment:
1. My name is Jennifer.
2. Not Jenny.
3. If you call me Jenny, I might never talk to you again.
4. I probably still will. But it will bother me that much.
5. I am probably 95% excited to move cross-country and only 5% scared/nervous.
6. I am leaving friends behind that I will miss dreadfully.
7. I way over-highlight textbooks.
8. I read every book assigned in high school.
9. I miss reading high-school-english-class type books.
10. I have bought at least 10 of those type books in the last 5 years.
11. I have yet to finish one of them.
12. I've actually only started one of them.
13. I've never read or seen
Pride & Prejudice.
14. I've also never seen Star Wars, episode 6 (
Return of the Jedi).
15. I finished
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows in one day.
16. I love to read.
17. I've wanted a KitchenAid stand mixer for at least the last 4 years. As soon as I live somewhere with enough counterspace, I'm buying one for myself!
18. I love to bake.
19. I love math.
20. And science (but not as much as math).
21. My mom was right when she told me I should be an engineer.
22. Thankfully, I stopped fighting that (ah, stubbornness) and realized that she was right.
23. Going to a college where I knew practically no one (only 2 out of 12,000!) was perfect for me.
24. I make friends easily.
25. I am the happiest when I have some sort of craft project going on.
26. Having something crafty to focus on outside of science for at least an hour or so a week keeps me sane.
27. Seriously.
28. My crafts thus far in my life have been: jewelry making, scrapbooking, black/white photography and developing, glass/tile mosaics, knitting, crocheting, and card making. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, though.
29. Being surrounded by books makes me happy.
30. I have seen a sheep under anesthesia.
31. I own all 10 seasons of
Friends on DVD.
The Chronicles of Narnia is possibly my favorite book ever.
33. I have been whale-watching off the coast of Victoria, BC. Twice.
34. I studied abroad at Oxford University in England.
35. I had my first alcohol there.
36. My first alcohol was wine that had to be strained with a paper towel because we dropped cork bits into it while trying to get the cork out.
37. Every time that story is re-told by the person who was supposed to un-cork the wine bottle, I laugh harder and harder.
38. I love to travel.
39. I will travel any where, any time. (Assuming I can get off work!)
40. I am an only child.
41. I love my parents. A lot.
42. I will 99% not settle down in the place where I grew up.
43. I feel like a nomad sometimes because of that, because I don't have a "home" (city/area of the country) to which I am longing to move back to.
44. I think my parents have realized this about me and are ok with it.
45. I'm ok with the fact that I've been transitory like that up until now in my life.
46. I'm jealous of the people who do know where "home" is to them.
47. I
love to play cards.
48. Especially Nerts.
49. One of my favorite Nerts memories was at Bob's with at least 8 people playing around one big, square table. The games went so fast!
50. I have walked into a glass sliding door before. Thankfully I was walking slowly!
51. I love almost all kinds of tea.
52. I am learning to like "normal" coffee. ("Normal" means coffee, not an espresso drink).
53. There is no Starbucks better than the one in my college town. Hands down, that is the coolest one there is.
54. I doubt I will ever stop craving the sandwiches from my college town.
55. Music is very important to me.
56. I don't understand people to whom music is not important.
57. I can't keep plants alive.
58. My apartment is filled with fake plants for that very reason.
59. I'm making my own Christmas cards this year.
60. I still owe ice cream to 7 of you.
61. Writing in my journal is a relaxing part of the day.
62. I could eat pizza or tacos/burritos every day.
63. Rainier cherries are amazingly delicious.
64. I also could eat a pint of blueberries every day.
65. I am a crazier driver since living in the Big City.
66. My car is named "peanut."
67. Fountain sprite is my comfort thing when I am sick with a cold or a sore throat.
68. I rode horses when I was younger.
69. The only time I've been unconscious was when I got thrown from a horse when I was 12 or 13 (I had on a helmet, don't worry).
70. I didn't know I'd been knocked out until my mom told me a year later.
71. I want a digital SLR.
72. Even though I own all the
Harry Potter books, I kind of still want to buy all the British version ones as well.
73. I've been 20 feet away from Bono at a U2 concert.
74. If I'm making a mix CD, you know I'm procrastinating from something very important.
75. I don't like Halloween.
76. I once went out with a guy from South Dakota.
77. I'm looking forward to the topography in California.
78. It's weird to me that I'm going to be living somewhere that has palm trees as native plants.
79. I love SkeeBall.
80. I'm not a very good bike rider. I have a tendency to run in to stationary objects.
81. I had a beta fish until this past week when he died.
82. His name was Tony.
83. I hate packing.
84. I'm allergic to papaya in large doses.
85. Fireworks are one of my favorite things.
86. I got to see them twice this year, both on the 3rd and the 4th of July. (Thanks!)
87. My old friends become more precious and dear to me each time I meet a new friend.
88. I don't remember what I did before they put a Starbucks in the student center here.
89. Going on a hot-air balloon ride is one of my life goals.
90. I am going to miss my family's lake house when my parents sell it.
91. I think I saw my first shooting stars there.
92. I learned to water-ski there. And to get up on only 1 ski.
93. Going kayaking right before college graduation was one of the most fun things I've done.
94. I like doing things like that (kayaking) that I always thought that I couldn't do.
95. I'm currently trying to learn to like running.
96. I've decided that I actually might like running.
97. The stress-relief that I get from running is somewhat unparalleled.
98. If I had to go back and major in something completely different, I think I'd become a nurse.
99. Maybe a doctor, but probably a nurse.
100. I wish I was in Hawaii right now...